Anti-wrinkle muscle relaxant

This is a substance that produces muscle relaxation where it is applied, providing a more youthful and relaxed appearance.

Is one of the most widely used techniques in Aesthetic Medicine and consists of the infiltration of this compound into the muscle, which inhibits its movement. This eliminates wrinkles and gives the skin a more youthful appearance.

It is one of the best techniques for the elimination of wrinkles, especially expression wrinkles: frown lines, forehead or “crow’s feet”. Its effects start to be noticed after three days and progressively increase, eliminating wrinkles little by little, leaving a more relaxed and rejuvenated face.

The application of this compound is a non-surgical and simple procedure and you can lead a normal life after the treatment.

The effect lasts between 3 to 6 months, so in our Aesthetic Medicine centre in Tenerife we recommend repeating the treatment every six months.

This compound does not change your appearance and placed in strategic points and at the right doses it softens expression lines without fear of those expressionless faces.


Sweat elimination

Underarm sweat brings many problems. Not only odour problems but also aesthetic problems due to stains on clothes. This problem of sweating can also be eliminated with this compound. During the time it lasts for months it will not stain clothes and odours will be eliminated.

In a 15-minute session, this compound deposits are injected, allowing you to return to your daily life immediately.



Avda. Juan Carlos I, Edificio Royal A-6.
38650 – Los Cristianos (Arona, Santa Cruz de Tenerife)


For any type of information about treatments and/or prices, please call the telephone number indicated.

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